Graduate Research Assistants

Graduate Research Assistants based at four university sites work on a variety of project elements, from the development of new GbCC models to the training of teachers.

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yu (Bryan) guo

Yu (Bryan) Guo is a PhD Candidate in the Learning Sciences program at Northwestern University. Bryan’s research focuses on improving people’s systems thinking and giving people access to powerful ideas through agent-based modeling and participatory simulations. Bryan’s dissertation investigates the affordances of participatory simulations in supporting high school students’ understanding of a complex and controversial social issue—economic inequality.


Jason Harron

Jason Harron is a doctoral student studying learning technologies at the University of Texas at Austin. He is the graduate research assistant for UTeach Maker, teaching assistant for Classroom Interactions, and holds the Alexander Caswell Ellis Fellowship in Education. His research interests include emerging technologies, digital fabrication, leadership in school change, makerspaces, participatory simulations, and using student mobile devices for immersive VR learning. 


Mica Kohl

Mica Kohl is an undergraduate student at The University of Texas at Austin. She is majoring in computer science in the Turing Scholars honors program, and is about to begin apprentice teaching through UTeach Natural Sciences.

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Maximilian Sherard

Maximilian Sherard is a master's student studying STEM Education at the University of Texas as Austin. He is a teaching assistant with the Project-Based Instruction course in the UTeach program and former teaching assistant for Introductory Biology courses in the College of Natural Science.

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kalpana vaidya

Kalpana Vaidya is an undergraduate student at The University of Texas at Austin. She is majoring in computer science in the Turing Scholars honors program.


karen duseau

Karen Duseau is a Mathematics Education doctoral student in the STEM education and teacher development department at the University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth. Karen's research focuses on Generative Design pedagogy and the associated assessment, non-dichotomous multiple choice questions (pattern-based questions). Her research interests include Inquiry Based Learning, Mathematics for All, social justice in education, and teacher development.